FSI Awarded The Peregrine Phase II Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Task
On 13 September 2021 Forward Slope, Inc. (FSI) was awarded the Peregrine Phase II SBIR Task as the supporting corporate Team Member to the SoarTech Prime. This SBIR Phase II work will support NAVAIR’s interest in improving air and strike situation awareness, tactical planning, and plan assessment by providing 4D spatial temporal geographically referenced overlays that are compatible with the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) and other related planning, assessment, and situation awareness tools. The emphasis of the proposed work will be extending the Navy’s state of the art geospatial display stack, currently in development by Soar Tech and Forward Slope, and FSI’s Mission Context Service (MCS) METOC assessment tool to support operator configured event detection and spatio-temporal plan visualization for the air domain. Under the Phase II Base effort, development will focus on development and evaluation to TRL 6. Under the Phase II option, the focus will be on development and evaluation to TRL 7.
The Peregrine Team (SoarTech and FSI) are the developers of Isinglass. Integrating this causal reasoning approach with the team’s geospatial display architecture will enable PMW-150 to deliver an advanced multi-datatype COP display capability that will accelerate Navy decision-making.
According to FSI Principal, and past Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Mr. Dale McIntosh (Now the Chief Engineer of MTC2), this Phase II Peregrine SBIR continues the many years of hard work developing our corporate technology and senior technological engineering team as well as reflecting the recognition from our customer of FSI’s contribution to Navy Command and Control. “